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A CIA-backed Coup attempt in Venezuela has Completely failed – Report



Nicolas Maduro

Maduro has once again shown the middle finger to the CIA and their attempt at a color revolution in Venezuela.

For two days now, the entire CIA infrastructure has been spreading fake news, old videos, and videos from other events on social media with the goal of inciting the population to revolt.

Elon Musk and his company were also activated, and the amount of fake news they shared was incredibly huge. However, their attempt at a color revolution and violent seizure of power after the defeat in the elections ended.


The military stood firmly behind Nicolas Maduro, and the response to the protests was too weak. This is the 3rd failed coup attempt by the CIA in South America in less than 2 years.

Brazil, Bolivia and now Venezuela. The richest countries with natural resources that showed the middle finger to the Jewish-globalist elite. Maduro is fully protected by Russia and the Russian secret services.

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